Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Welcome to the FL Blog

As a new Blog site, "Core Elements" has set us up so that we can share some info, picures and videos for our activities in a more permanent capacity to complement the current Yahoo web email group.

At this stage only "Core Elements" and BB have the Admin capability to manage the pages but we will soon add a few others such as Fearless and perhaps other organisers of trips to assist in spreading the word.

As I understand it all those on the current email group can have the post message capability, all that is required is a Google Account access, simply click on the "Subscribe to Posts" link below, set up a Google sign in (unless you already have one...) and your away.

You can also become a follower by clicking on the link on the RHS of the home page, each updated blog will then send you an email to alert you to fresh news.

As the Blog site is open to the world I have not used any names, just either nicknames or initials.....simply to protect the innocent!



  1. Love the pic of Ken (aka Pol) on the pink (aka Nuclear Red) Barbie bike (aka Speed Triple)

  2. There is a lot of AKA's going on with Pol...
